Call for volunteers - Kuñangue Aty Guasu Observatory (OKA)
The Observatory of Kuñangue Aty Guasy (OKA) makes public the opening of selection for voluntary collaborators and establishes the norms related to the selection process.
Kuñangue Aty Guasu is the Great Assembly of Women Kaiowá and Guarani, based in Dourados-MS, organized in the Southern Cone of Mato Grosso Do Sul, Brazil, since 2006. We are Kaiowa and Guarani women in struggle, resilience for our survival, freedom and autonomy.
Xs volunteers will collaborate on the specific fronts of translation (especially for Guarani), mental health, anthropology, social assistance, legal work, environment, social movements, design and research.
The vacancies are part of the continuous and permanent process of maintaining the activities of Kuñangue Aty Guasu and involve activities specific to each area of the Observatory. The activities will start according to OKA demand and will be carried out mostly online. Face-to-face activities must follow all biosecurity protocols related to Covid-19 while the pandemic lasts (use of appropriate mask, gel alcohol, social distance and interaction in open places).
2022 OKA Volunteer Call Calendar:
January 24, 2022: Call launch
7 February 2022: Deadline for receiving applications
February 14, 2022: Deadline for disclosure of selected volunteers
All are welcome to our observatory, access the online registration form:
Application form at the Kuñangue Aty Guasu Observatory (OKA).
If you have any questions, please contact us at atykunakuera@gmail.com.
Atymã porã, thanks!